Free Resume Help

As a hiring manager, I have the pleasure of reviewing a lot of resumes every year. And to be frank, many of them are bad.

Everyone deserves to find a job that keeps them financially, mentally, and professionally satisfied. If you’re in the job market and need a second set of eyes on your resume, allow me to assist.

Before you request my help, please understand the following:

  1. Please do not submit a resume help request if you intend to apply for a job at my employer, the American Conservation Coalition. I don’t want my assistance to you to create a conflict, especially if you’re applying for one of the teams under my direction.
  2. I only work in Google Docs, and I will only make comments and suggestions. In other words, I will not re-format or re-write your entire resume – that will be your responsibility – but I will likely provide a ton of notes and will be happy to review an edited copy.
  3. Finally, please be patient. I provide this service for free because I want to help you, but my day job comes first.

Fill out the form below to request resume help. Please allow 1-2 weeks for review and response.